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Blue Sky and UNIBras Announce Strategic Partnership for Caatinga Conservation

October 15, 2023

Blue Sky is delighted to announce a significant partnership with UniBRAS College in Bahia, aimed at strengthening science as a powerful tool in the restoration of the Caatinga biome. This partnership represents a significant step toward the conservation and sustainability of one of Brazil’s most important biomes.

Located in Juazeiro, Bahia, UniBRAS is renowned for its excellence in professional education, boasting a faculty of experts, masters, and Ph.D. holders with extensive academic and professional experience. Furthermore, the institution offers a modern infrastructure, including well-planned, air-conditioned classrooms, computer labs, specialized laboratories for each course offered, a computerized library, and other academic spaces.

“We are thrilled to announce our partnership with UNIBras, an alliance aimed at strengthening science as a powerful tool in the recovery of this vital biome,” declared Ugo Vercillo, Director of Blue Sky. “Through this partnership, we will have the opportunity to develop internships and research initiatives in support of the Caatinga, contributing to its conservation and sustainability. Together, we are making a difference!”

The BlueSky Caatinga Project’s primary objective is the restoration of the Caatinga, with a focus on enabling the reintroduction of the Spix macaw, a unique species of this biome. The restoration process includes the planting of native vegetation in degraded areas and the development of activities to enhance land-use practices, promoting sustainable development in local communities.

To ensure the success of this project, enhancing existing knowledge, training professionals, and developing new scientific and technical methods are essential. In this regard, the collaboration with academia plays a crucial role.

The areas of focus for this partnership will encompass key research, innovation, and outreach demands:


– Study of local flora
– Growth rates of plants
– Advanced planting techniques
– Geographic Information System (GIS) utilization


– Quantification of above-ground biomass
– Examination of below-ground biomass
– Assessment of dead biomass


– Management of goats and sheep
– Poultry management
– Animal health care
– Producer training in financial management


– Cultivation of commercially valuable and animal-feed species
– Producer training in financial management

Business / Tourism / Administration:

– Development of sustainable business plans
– Entrepreneurial training
– Accounting and business administration
– Promotion of local tourism
– English language education


– Evaluation and monitoring of social and economic impact
– Theory of Change


– Creation of communication materials
– Training of communicators


– Care for the health of wildlife in the region
– Predator management
– Control and sterilization of invasive species
– Monitoring of Spix macaws
– Management of Spix macaws in captivity


– Caatinga land regularization and protection of its precious species

BlueSky invites everyone to join us in this critical mission for Caatinga conservation. Become a Caatinga Partner and be part of this collective effort to preserve this unique biome and the diverse life it harbors. Together, we can make a difference in safeguarding our natural heritage.